St. Paul says in our second reading that, “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but all are given by the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service but given by the same Lord, different kinds of work given by the same God.” The Spirit distributes all these variety of spiritual gifts for service and for the building up of the church, the body of Christ. In the gospel, we see Jesus and Mary using their gifts to serve a couple and to save them from humiliation. Prophet Isaiah in our first reading says, “Nations shall behold your vindication, and all the kings your glory.” The gospel concludes with the saying, “Jesus did this… and so revealed his glory and all his disciples began to believe in him.” There was a marriage at Cana. Mary, Jesus and his disciples were there. When they ran out of wine, Mary approached Jesus and said to him, “They have no wine.” Jesus replied, “Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not come.” Mary said to the servers, “Do whatever he tells you.” Lessons from Mary: Mary was advocating for the couple out of love, kindness, and to save them from humiliation. For Mary to say to the servers, “Do whatever he tells you” shows clearly that she had deep faith and trust in Jesus despite almost refusing her request. She trusts Jesus will act, will do something. Mary did not understand the sayings of Jesus. In life we sometimes go through trials, difficulties that we don’t understand. Let’s remember to have faith and trust in her Son Jesus Christ, that he will do something. Jesus went ahead and turned a great quantity of water into wine, six stone jars, capable of holding twenty to thirty gallons. What is the deeper and spiritual meaning of Jesus turning water into wine? By this, Jesus revealed his divine identity, his glory and power which calls us to faith and trust. John, the author of this gospel, wants to teach us that when the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ comes into a person’s life there is always a transformation, a new quality that takes place. The presence of Jesus in one’s life brings, joy, meaning and hope. When we open our lives and hearts to the abundant grace of Christ, we are renewed, we are made new. The power and grace of Christ is abundant for all.