“Ezra the priest brought the law before the assembly, which consisted of men, women, and those children old enough to understand. Standing at the end of the open place that was before the Water Gate, he read out the book from daybreak till midday, in the presence of the men, the women, and those children old enough to understand: and all the people listened attentively to the book of the law… Ezra read plainly from the book of the Law of God, interpreting it so all could understand what was read.”
The setting can rightly be likened to a Sunday gathering that we are having today. The book of the law of God is the same as the Bible that we read from. The men, women and children are all of you gathered here. Ezra read and interpreted points to the practice of preaching/ giving homily. How did the people respond?
We are told that Ezra read from daybreak to midday. How long would that be? Maybe 6am – 12noon (6 hours). This should teach us to be humble before God and be patient when we come into his divine presence. We need to learn to feel at home in the house of God.
The people listened attentively. How much attention do I pay during Mass? Sometimes we are distracted during Mass or while praying in the church or at home. Like the people of Israel, let’s learn to be attentive, to avoid distraction when we come before God.
Ezra read the law for hours. How much time do I devote to reading the Bible, the Word of God? The Psalmist says: “Your words, Lord are Spirit and life. The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul: The decree of the Lord is trustworthy, giving wisdom to the simple.”
In the gospel, Jesus presents to us his mission statement, the reason or purpose of his coming into the world. Have you ever sat down to ask yourself the purpose of your life?