It might just be me, but it feel like these days the greatest virtue someone could posses is the ability to get along with everyone and never offend anyone. I agree, it is a good thing to practice charity at all times and seek to apporach everyone with love; however, sometimes the most loving thing to say to someone is the truth. And sometimes the truth hurts.
Jesus raises the bar in today's Gospel. On the surface it seems like He's promoting a message of peace and harmony at all costs, that we're meant to get along with each other and that's the end of it. Alas, that's not so. Jesus is calling us to an inner disposition of charity, and that goes way beyond just being nice. He's calling us to discipline ourselves so that in all things we might seek the good of our neighbor. And what is our neighbor's greatest good? It is Him! Salvation through Jesus Christ is the greatest good of each and every person.
Lent is a time to focus on repentance. Today, Jesus is asking us to repent of the resentment and ill-will we harbor against our brothers and sisters. We must clean our own hearts and fill them with genuine love for others, removing anger, ridicule, and unforgiveness. When we replace these feelings with love, then we can see the truth. That Jesus loves them and desires a relationship with them just as much as He loves and longs for you.