“…. And on entering the house they saw the child with Mary, his mother. They prostrated themselves and did him homage. Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”
On this holy day, we mark the Epiphany of our LORD, who is presented to us today as king, priest and Savior. The three wise men/magi led by a star initially went to Herod to inform him that they had seen the star of the new born king of the Jews and have come to do him homage/worship. These men fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah and the Psalm of today. “Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! Your light has come…from Midian and Ephah; all from Sheba shall come bearing gold and frankincense.” Is 2:1-6 “They … shall offer him gifts…All kings shall pay him homage.” Ps 72
The 3 men departed from Herod and led by the star they came into the presence of the child and his mother Mary. They paid him homage and offered him three special gifts with great significance. Gold: A fitting gift for a king. They described Jesus as the king of the Jews. The Church marked the Kingship of Jesus a few weeks ago. As king he reigns through love and mercy, his throne is the Cross and not by force. Frankincense: Incense is used to worship God. Used to accompany prayers to God by priests. Jesus Christ in the letter to the Hebrews is presented as the High priest who offered sacrifice once and for all. He offered sacrifice to God on our behalf to take our sins away. Myrrh: This is used for preserving the dead body. This gift foreshadows his future death on the Cross for our redemption.
The three men gave the child Jesus three great gifts. What gift are you going to give JESUS? Yes, he has come from GOD as a divine and saving gift. Jesus wants you to give him the gift/treasure of your life/heart to reign, that you may be obedient to the holy will of his Father. He wants you to share with him your gift of time for prayers, faithful service of God and your brothers and sisters for their salvation. Jesus wants you to be generous in sharing your gifts of talents, skills and financial resources for promoting justice, peace and saving souls/evangelization. Mt 28:18-20