I was listening to a podcast about liturgy the other day and a very interesting reference was made to this Gospel. The disciples of Jesus were being criticized for not fasting like the disciples of John and the Pharisees. Jesus responds by saying, "Can the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them?"
Now I think there are a lot of nuances to be considered with this passage. I've talked a heck of a lot about fasting. It is CRITICAL to the Christian life. Jesus clearly says that His disciples will fast on the day that the bridegroom is taken away. Vatican II did not absolve Catholics from the obligation to fast on Fridays - the day Jesus was killed (every Friday. Not just in Lent!), no matter what you heard or were taught.
So what does Jesus mean when He says "can the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them?"
I would argue that Jesus does not desire mediocrity or minimalism when it comes to our relationship with Him. And when is Jesus most "with us?" In the Mass! Jesus really and truly becomes present to us in the Eucharist and we are invited to become one with Him as we consume His precious body and blood.
So when Jesus says not to fast while the bridegroom is with us, I think He means that He desires
generous worship of us. That's why I think beautiful churches are important. That's why I thnk it's good to spend extra money on beautiful vestments and costly vessels. I think it's important to have supernatural music! When we walk into a Catholic Church and when we experience the Holy Mass, we shouldn't be experiencing any other human event. This is the foretaste of heaven and it should look, sound, and smell like it.